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Ninja Gaiden II & Sigma 2

by ArclightBorealis, PSWII60

Part 33: Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 - Chapter 17

The end of the game again, this time in Sigma 2. The journey through this relatively mediocre update on a flawed gem is done, but stay tuned for the post game material later on.

The most significant changes that are chapter specific in my eyes are the ones that take place in between the Elizabet and Dagra Dai fights. In the original, after beating Elizabet you went to the door in the abyss, opened it, fought through a bunch of Vangelfs in a green tunnel, then you were onto the next boss. Here, the green tunnel is removed, and instead you get to fight the last batch of Black Spider Ninja in the entire game with the chance to finally use a brand new move with the Blade of the Archfiend: Genshin's signature Underworld Drop. I do feel this inclusion was made because the devs understood how unique that move is in Ryu's arsenal that to not have a chance to use it before the campaign's over was odd. Thanks for that.

Other than that, all the fights are what you'd expect, especially the final three. By the end, despite the heavy remixing of certain enemy encounters, you do start to notice that the severity of game changes starts to drop off drastically past the halfway point, not unlike the Sigma version of Ninja Gaiden 1. It's just too bad that, when you look back at everything that's been changed, the bad nevertheless outweighs the good.